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Best Hospital For Stroke Emergency Care


Artemis Hospitals has introduced SAMAY (Stroke, Acting Within Minutes Adds Years), a plan aimed at improving stroke management. The introduction of SAMAY is a remarkable step forward in acute stroke care and reflects Artemis Hospital's intention to enhance medical services and care for patients with stroke emergency.

The initiative is led by our Centre of Neuro Excellence along with our key Neuro specialty leaders: 


SAMAY is designed to ensure that all stroke patients receive acute determination with immediate rigorous care. By responding to vital gaps in stroke response and care, we plan to develop our Neuroscience Centre of Excellence. In India, there is already a death from stroke, every 4 minutes, so we cannot act quickly enough. SAMAY will lead the way in the future of responding to strokes, improving the lives and mortality from stroke.

SAMAY highlights the urgency of responding to care for geriatric patients, among the most common presentations. They motivate the public to be aware of the F.A.S.T. acronym (Face Dropping; Arm Weakness; Speech Difficulty; Time to Call Helpline).


SAMAY represents an example of stroke care management; we are producing an extraordinary outcome from the engaging utility of advanced technology with the 24x7 availability of an assigned intervention stroke neurologist; we are not only going to be treating strokes, but we are going to apply cutting-edge medicine and approach to stroke care; fundamentally changing the model of stroke care in India.

SAMAY provides an all-encompassing, 24x7 integrated pathway of acute stroke care management with credentials for all steps of care provided by assigned stroke specialists for optimal time-sensitive timeliness to care. The Centre is equipped with advanced technologies, including the latest Bi-Plane DSA, with advanced abilities in 3D, and Angio CT capacity, and the centre will provide specialized neurocritical care; withdrawal of expertise will not be an issue with resources and replicated, synchronized accessibility of dedicated stroke neurologists who serve as an integrated care neuro-critical team with an assigned nurse anesthetist and specialty designated stroke units talents medically (neurocritical care).

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