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Understanding Cervical Cancer in Young Women

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Cervical Cancer in Young Women: Understanding Risks and Embracing Prevention

Cervical cancer, often perceived as a concern for older women, is gaining prominence among younger women in India. In this interview with Dr. Amita Nathani, Senior Consultant in Gynae Oncology at Artemis Hospital Gurugram, we explore the risks associated with cervical cancer in young women and effective preventive strategies.

Understanding the Risks:
Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in India, with an incidence rate exceeding 18%, making it the second leading cause of death, boasting a mortality rate of over 9%. Contrary to popular belief, cervical cancer is not exclusive to older women. Dr. Nathani emphasizes that younger women are also susceptible, with human papillomavirus (HPV) being a primary risk factor. The virus is particularly prevalent among sexually active youth, and factors such as early sexual activity, multiple partners, and weakened immune systems increase vulnerability.

Additional Risk Factors:
Apart from HPV, smoking has been identified as a risk factor for cervical cancer in young women. Those who smoke not only face an increased risk of acquiring HPV but also experience reduced immune function, making it harder for the body to clear HPV infections. Long-term use of oral contraceptives has also been linked to a slightly elevated risk, prompting the need for closer monitoring of cervical health in young women who have used oral contraceptives for an extended period.

Preventive Measures:
Dr. Nathani underscores the importance of the HPV vaccine as the most effective preventive measure against cervical cancer. Recommending vaccination for both girls and boys before they become sexually active, the vaccine protects against the most common high-risk HPV strains, significantly reducing the risk of cervical cancer. Catch-up vaccination is also available for those who missed the recommended age. Routine cervical cancer screenings, including Pap smears and HPV testing, are crucial for early detection of abnormal changes in cervical cells, allowing timely intervention.

Safe Sex Practices:
Practicing safe sex through consistent and correct condom use can significantly reduce the risk of HPV transmission. Limiting the number of sexual partners and choosing partners with a lower risk of HPV infection further contribute to prevention. Quitting smoking is not only beneficial for overall health but also reduces the risk of cervical cancer. Increasing awareness about the disease, its risk factors, and available preventive measures is vital. Dr. Nathani stresses the significance of health education in ensuring that young women are well-informed and actively engaged in preserving their cervical well-being.

Overall Healthy Lifestyle:
Embracing a healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in fortifying overall well-being and reducing the risk of cervical cancer. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and essential nutrients provides the building blocks for a robust immune system. Regular exercise supports physical health and aids in stress reduction, a crucial factor as chronic stress weakens the immune response. Stress management techniques, such as mindfulness and relaxation exercises, further contribute to a resilient immune system. A strong immune system is better equipped to combat HPV infections, preventing their progression to cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is not limited to older women, and young women need to be aware of the associated risks and preventive measures. Dr. Amita Nathani's insights highlight the importance of the HPV vaccine, routine screenings, safe sex practices, and a healthy lifestyle in reducing the risk of cervical cancer. By prioritizing these measures, individuals can enhance their body's natural defenses, fostering a protective shield against cervical cancer and promoting overall wellness.

Read More: Click Here

For expert guidance and consultation on Gynaecological Oncology, schedule an appointment with Dr. Amita Nathani, renowned Gynae Oncologist at Artemis Hospital Gurugram. Your cervical well-being is our priority; take proactive steps for a healthier future.

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